Three men set upon a teenager with a knife in his face and a gun in his back to steal his bike

We have received a heartfelt letter from a distressed mother concerning an alarming incident involving her 15-year-old son. He was subjected to an assault by three individuals while traversing Rimrose Valley country park from Crosby to Litherland on his electric bike.
In her plea, the mother earnestly appeals to the community for any witnesses who may have seen the attack unfold, as well as for any individuals who may possess footage of the perpetrators. This vicious assault has left both the family and the community deeply concerned. Any assistance provided in shedding light on this distressing event would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Crosby Bubble:
"My 15 Yr old Son has just been held at gun and knife point on Rimrose as he went across from Crosby to Litherland."
"The three men on an electric motorcycle and a petrol motocross bike chased him, pulled him from his bike, beat him, kicked him in the head, stuck a knife in his face and a gun in his back and stole his black Cube electric bike."
"There were two Ladies walking a medium size brown fluffy dog, one lady in a black coat and one in a long army green coat who my son says witnessed this. I am hoping for any information to pass onto the Police. If anyone seen anything please get in touch and please keep your kids safe."
"The access point to Rimrose on Derwent Road was where my son went onto the path and he says they were at that point and followed him from there."
"Perhaps someone living there may have CCTV or Ring doorbell footage of the men on the motorbikes prior to my son accessing the path."
An urgent safeguarding message was sent from Chesterfield High School to warn other parents of the incident:
