There are 3 Fireworks Displays on Bonfire Night in our area

Tuesday 5th November
Hightown Cricket Club Bonfire and Fireworks
The Hightown Cricket Club are holding their annual Fireworks Display and Bonfire.
This is a very busy venue. Entertainment starts at 6:00pm with a childrens entertainer/Magician. The Bonfire is lit at 7:15pm and the Fireworks start at 7:30pm. There is also a fully licensed bar with hot and cold food available.
Adults £5.00 - Children £3.00 - Family £15.00
This is at the Hightown Cricket Club, Thirlmere Road, Hightown, L38 3RQ
Tuesday 5th November
Halsall Bonfire Party

A bonfire event will be held in Halsall Tuesday 5th November.
The event will take place on Tuesday 5th November, and will begin at 6pm.
It will take place at St. Cuthberts Primary school, on Hall Street.
There will be a live DJ, fireworks, a BBQ, and refreshments on offer at the event.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Adult entry will cost £5 and children/students will cost just £1.
Tuesday 5th November
Netherton Activity Centre Fireworks
L30's Million's Fireworks Display
5th November 2019 Netherton Activity Centre
Glovers Lane, Netherton, Bootle, Liverpool L30 3TL.
L30's Million is delighted to be able to organise the fireworks display in Netherton once again this year. This year is going to be our biggest and best display yet.
Hope to see you there!
This is a very busy venue and there is NO PARKING
available and you cannot enter the building.
Site open from 6pm. Fireworks from 7:45pm to 8:05pm
