Sefton Council Planning Applications week beginning March 1st 2021
Updated: Mar 6, 2021

Planning applications received and decided by Sefton Council as at 1st March 2021.
The list of received applications can be found below.
Two storey extension to the side of 1 Boundary Drive, Crosby, Liverpool, Merseyside, following the demolition of the existing garage.
Erection of a new external loading canopy / shelter at Unit 5a, Valentines Building, Topham Drive, Aintree, Liverpool, Merseyside.
Proposed development of 206 dwellings, including access from Park View, including car parking, landscaping and public open space, following the demolition of Orchard Farm and outbuildings on land off Holgate, Thornton, Merseyside.
Two storey extension to the side and a single storey extension at 205 Liverpool Road, Lydiate, Liverpool, Merseyside, involving a balcony to the rear of the dwellinghouse.
New first floor bay window to the front and a dormer extension to the rear of 3 Granville Road, Birkdale, Southport, Merseyside.
Prior approval submission for a proposed rear extension at 76 Brooke Road West Brighton Le Sands, Liverpool, Merseyside, projecting 6 metres from the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a height of 3 metres at the eaves and a maximum height of 3 metres.
Detached double garage, after demolition of the existing shed at 157 Oriel Drive, Aintree.
Change of use of a redundant commercial space on the first floor of 2A - 2D Curzon Road, Waterloo,Liverpool, Merseyside, to residential to create one flat.
Conversion of the existing dwelling at 12 Walmer Road, Waterloo, into four self-contained flats, including the construction of an external staircase and entrance to the rear elevation.
New storage shed in the rear of the garden at 36 Brenda Crescent, Thornton Liverpool, Merseyside.
Single storey extension to the rear of 1 Carr Lane, Birkdale, Southport, Merseyside, following the demolition of the existing outrigger and conservatory.
Construction of a dropped kerb at 268 Guildford Road, Birkdale.
Single storey extensions to the side and rear incorporating a garage of the dwelling house at 4 Eden Drive, North Crosby, Liverpool, Merseyside.
Two storey extension to the side, single storey extension to the rear and porch to the front of 9 Gorse Way, Formby, following the demolition of the existing garage.
Single storey extension to the rear of 53 Glenwyllin Road, Waterloo.
Single storey extension to the front of 17 Carrs Crescent West, Formby, incorporating a porch and a detached granny annexe to the rear.
Certificate of lawfulness for the existing installation of solar panels to the rear of 125 Westfields Drive, Bootle, Merseyside, including a single storey porch extension to the front and a new driveway.
Section 211 Notice of Intent for tree works in the West Birkdale conservation area to prune two trees within the garden of 35 Westbourne Road, Birkdale.
Recently decided planning applications for the same period:
Non-material amendment to approved application DC/2020/00728 to rationalise the roof structure of 8 Sedbergh Avenue, Aintree. Status: Approved.
Approval of details reserved by conditions 1 ,2, 3 ,4, 5, 6, 7 ,9, 10, 11 and 14 attached to approved application DC/2019/00004 for land next to 3 and 4 Brickfield Close, Lydiate, Merseyside. Status: Approved.
Section 211 Notice of Intent to carry out tree works within North Meols Conservation area to fell three trees and crown lift one tree within the grounds of Meols Hall Estate, Southport, Merseyside. Status: Approved.
Creation of a new site entrance at 82 Derby Road, Liverpool, Merseyside and a new parking deck on adjacent land. Status: No objection.
Section 211 notice of intent to carry out tree works within West Birkdale Conservation area to prune six trees within the garden of 26 Westbourne Road, Birkdale. Status: Approved.
Construction of a vehicular access from Cromer Road, including a dropped kerb at 85 Waterloo Road, Birkdale. Status: Conditionally approved.
Prior approval submission for a proposed rear extension at 49 Duke Street, Formby, projecting 5.97 metres from the rear wall of the original house with a height of 3 metres at the eaves and a maximum height of 3 metres. Status: Prior Approval Required and Refused.
Conversion of the existing garage to a habitable room at 4 Cantlow Fold, Ainsdale, involving alterations to the garage roof and front elevation of the dwelling house. Status: Conditionally approved.
Single storey extension to the side and dormer extension to the rear of 197 Guildford Road, Birkdale. Status: Conditionally approved.
Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed single storey extension to the rear of 1 Bartons Close, Southport. Status: Certificate Not Issued.
Single storey extensions to the front, side and rear of 62 Marina Crescent, Netherton, Bootle, after demolition of the existing garage (alternative to application reference DC/2020/01827). Status: Conditionally approved.
Change of use from retail with storage to three self-contained dwellings at 9-15 Ashley Road, Southport, with internal alterations and alterations to the existing shop fronts and associated car parking for no 15 (resubmitted application of DC/2020/00712). Status: Conditionally approved.
Single storey extension and relocation of the existing plant room to the roof at first floor level to the rear of 9 Chapel Lane, Formby. Status: Conditionally approved.
Construction of a new shop front to a retail unit at 29 Brows Lane, Formby. Status: Conditionally approved.
Single storey extension to the side and rear of 97 Moor Lane, Crosby, following the demolition of the existing rear extension. (Alternative to DC/2020/00883 granted 13.7.2020 Part Retrospective). Status: Conditionally approved.
Single storey extension to the rear of Seton House, Formby Fields, Formby. Status: Conditionally approved.
Single storey extension to the rear of 2A Dorbett Drive, Crosby, including a single storey extension to the side/front and external alterations to the side and rear of the house, following the demolition of the existing outrigger. Status: Conditionally approved.
Two storey extension to the rear of 43 St Andrews Road, Crosby, including alterations to the existing side extension and garage roof, porch extension and alterations to the front of the house. Status: Conditionally approved.
Single storey extension to the side of 234 Northway, Maghull, Liverpool, Merseyside, following demolition of the existing garage. Status: Conditionally approved.
Single storey extension to the rear of 16 Mill Lane, Southport. Status: Conditionally approved.
Two storey extension to the side of 21 Byron Road, Lydiate, Liverpool, Merseyside, including a single storey extension to the rear and dormer extensions to the front and rear. Status: Conditionally approved.
Dormer extensions to the front and rear of 25 Mersey Road, Crosby, and roof works incorporating hip to gable extension. Status: Conditionally approved.
Approval of details reserved by conditions 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12 attached to approved application DC/2019/01243 for 93 Marshside Road - formerly known as land severed from the side of 97 Marshside Road, Southport. Status: Approved.
Single storey rear extension at 44 Brownmoor Park, Crosby. Status: Conditionally approved.
Tree Preservation Order application to re-coppice a tree, the remedial pruning of a tree and removal of a failed Poplar tree within G2 (lies within TPO152) on land at Mill Weir Gardens, Sefton, Merseyside. Status: Conditionally approved.
New 2m high boundary wall/railings/gates to the front of 2 Church Road, Formby, (alternative to application DC/2020/01006) and construction/alteration to vehicular access to Church Road. Status: Conditionally approved.
Change of use from a clinic/surgery at Kings Park Surgery, 81-87 Stanley Road, Bootle, to commercial services on the ground floor and eight self-contained apartments to the first and second floors. Status: Conditionally approved.
Certificate of Lawfulness to confirm that the property is a single private house at 17 Norwood Avenue, Southport. Status: Certificate Issued - Existing Use.
Change of use of a former British Telecom depot and warehouses to form a self-store/lock-up facility at Unit 1-7 Blowick Business Park, Crowland Street, Southport, including demolition of the existing structures to the rear and the installation of storage units. Status: Conditionally approved.
Approval of details reserved by conditions 3, 4 and 5 attached to approved application DC/2018/01458 and approved application DC/2020/02258 for land off Maghull Lane, Maghull Lane, Melling. Status: Approved.
Portacabin next to the main Maintenance Facility at The West Lancashire Golf Club, Greenkeepers Maintenance Facility, 4 Hall Road, West Blundellsands, for use as a rest room due to COVID-19 restrictions on social distancing for Greenkeeping Staff. Status: Conditionally approved.
New part-single/part-two storey extension to the rear of 10 Graburn Road, Formby, including a two storey extension to the side, and single storey extension to the front, following the demolition of the rear extension. Status: Conditionally approved.
A retrospective application for a new single bay jet wash at BP Service Station, Southport Road, Formby. Status: Conditionally approved.
Change of use of the Basement and Ground Floor from a pub to two self-contained apartments at The Linacre Hotel, 46 Linacre Lane, Bootle. Status: Conditionally approved.