Please keep pets out of pools and flooded areas on the coast due to spawning season say Green Sefton
Green Sefton -
Dog walkers, spawning season has started, with many of the incredible amphibians that call the #Sefton coast home now emerging from hibernation.
Please keep pets out of all pools and flooded areas on the coast - Common Frogs have already spawned (see picture), and Common Toad will not be far behind.
Natterjack Toads will follow in the next few weeks, and Great Crested Newts will be laying eggs too.
Letting dogs paddle in pools (whether fenced or not) can have devastating effects on the breeding success of these protected species.
Disturbing them is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Spawn and eggs are destroyed or dragged out of the water and later in the season tiny tadpoles can be washed out of pools if dogs run in and out of the shallows - however inviting the pools may appear.
Please keep your pets under control.
The rich amphibian variety of the #Sefton Coast is one of the reasons it enjoys Site of Special Scientific Interest protection.
Respect, protect and enjoy the Sefton coast.
Sefton Council
Dynamic Dunescapes Sefton
National Trust Formby
Natural England
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation