MP and Mayor go head to head on Lydiate bowling green

Bill Esterson MP joined Sefton Mayor Cllr Clare Carragher for the mayor's cup competition at Lydiate Bowls Club. The Federation of Lydiate Bowls Clubs have a mixture of competitive and social bowls sessions in Liverpool Road, Lydiate at Oakhill Park and rent the facilities from the parish council. The mayor opened the competition by rolling the first jack. Mr Esterson and Cllr Mrs Carragher also played a few ends of bowls. Mr Esterson said, "Thank you to everyone at the Federation of Lydiate Bowls Clubs for welcoming us to the competition today and for giving us the chance to try out bowls. I am sure that like me the mayor really enjoyed playing bowls and we would both encourage more people to take part. Good luck to everyone who was playing in the competition today." The Lydiate Bowls clubs are always keen to welcome new players and they hold social sessions on a Monday and Friday afternoon between 1.30 and 4.30pm. Alternatively, new players can call the treasurer, Brenda Delaney on 0151 287 9775. Bill Esterson MP, Mayor of Sefton Cllr Clare Carragher are pictured with Lydiate Bowls Club members including chairman Joe Sefton, secretary Alan Toms and treasurer Brenda Delaney.