Merseyside Fire & Rescue currently have vacancies within their Fire Service Direct department

Do you want to help make thousands of Merseyside households safer each year? If so, Merseyside Fire & Rescue currently have exciting vacancies within their Fire Service Direct department.
❓What is Fire Service Direct?❓
Fire Service Direct (FSD) is responsible for the logistical management of Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service's Home Fire Safety Check (HFSC) Strategy and maintenance of risk information about community members and households within #Merseyside.
1️⃣ Fire Service Direct Advisor
💰Grade 3 - £10,204 - £10,434 per annum
🕐 21 hours per week. Permanent contract
The role of the Fire Service Direct Advisor is to make outbound calls and process incoming calls; to book and maintain a diary of appointments for personnel to carry out HFSCs; and to complete HFSC revisits over the phone.
Further info and to apply:
2️⃣ Fire Service Direct Senior Advisor
💰 Grade 4 - £17,681 - £18,672 per annum
🕐 35 hours per week. Permanent contract
The role of the Senior Advisor is to supervise, mentor and train staff to make outbound calls and process incoming calls; and to book and maintain a diary of appointments for personnel to carry out Home Fire Safety checks.
Further info and to apply:
Closing date for both vacancies is Thursday 28th February
Interviews: 11th & 13th March