Mad Dog 10k CANCELLED due to Storm Ciara

The Mad Dog 10k in Southport has now been cancelled due to Storm Ciara which is expected to hit our Sefton Coast tonigh. A statement on their Facebook page says:
As you know we have all been very busy today setting up Stanley and the course, it was only late afternoon when we realised the weather warning had moved to Amber.
Having read the forecasts and considered the risks, we regret to advise that this year’s race has been cancelled.
We thought that we could take a view tomorrow at 5:30 and 09:30, we so wanted it to go ahead (We are all hard Mad Dogs!) but unfortunately it would be unwise to let the event go ahead now in the light of the escalated Amber warning.
Your safety is our main priority.
So, So, Sorry Doggy Dudes!!
You will realise that this decision has only just been made, so it is still too early to advise what will happen next, we will let you know as soon as a decision has been made.
If you are booked into the Bliss Hotel tomorrow the event is still going ahead as normal.
Further advice to follow
With Sad “not wagging” Tails
Woof (ish)
The Mad Dog team