Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary to Mr & Mrs Spence from Crosby

We would like to wish Mr & Mrs Spence a very Happy 60th wedding anniversary for tomorroW, 1st April. Their daughter Jill Davies said: “My parents who have lived in Crosby all their lives have been married for 60 years on 1st April this year.”
Jill continue: “My mum and dad, Mr Mark Spence and Mrs Doris Spence have been married for 60 years on the 1st April 2021.”
“They were married at St Lukes Church, Crosby at 3pm. Dad was 21 and worked on the railway, Mum was 19 and worked in Merchant Taylor’s Boy's School. They have two daughters, 3 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.“
“They have enjoyed many foreign holidays, and have, and continue to have a wonderful life together.”
Happy 60th Anniversary to you both, we hope you have a lovely day tomorrow 😃