Good morning on Tuesday 3rd May. Generally cloudy with a few light showers across Sefton
Good Morning on Tuesday 3rd May. It’s 10°C with a light southeasterly breeze of 9mph in #Sefton
This morning will be dull with clouds lingering, and a few spots of rain. It will continue cloudy in the afternoon with very little in the way of any sunshine. A mild day, however. Maximum temperature 16°C.
This evening cloud will break in places to allow late evening sunshine to poke through at times. Overnight cloud will thicken and outbreaks of rain will push in from the west, these heavy at times. Minimum temperature 6°C.
High Tide:
High Tide today is 1:19pm (8.52m)
Sunrise & Sunset:
Sunrise at 5:33am
Sunset at 8:45pm
Have a lovely day everyone 😃