Glenn Park play area in Maghull will be closed from Monday 5th October for 6 weeks for refurbishment

Maghull Town Council had a meeting yesterday, Thursday 1st October with contractors from Wicksteed to finalise the refurbishment of Glenn Park play area.
Works are planned to commence on Monday 5th October and should take 6 weeks to complete. The play area will be closed to the public during this period.

The Grounds Maintenance Operatives have recently transformed the pavilion at Glenn Park - removing graffiti and giving it a fresh coat of paint. Their team worked tirelessly to improve this asset and will be working throughout the Autumn and Winter to continue to improve the estate.
After a number of issues at Glenn Park, Maghull Town Council had a meeting with Merseyside Police on 30th September to discuss the issues and to forge a closer partnership working with Maghull Town Council.

Many thanks to local PCSOs Diane and Natalie for their time and input.
Glenn Park will soon be a great place to visit for everyone. Thanks to all involved. We will keep you updated on how the improvements are coming on.