Friday 9th July will be cloudy with occasional sunny spells across Sefton
Good Morning on Friday 9th July. It’s 16°C with a light south westerly breeze of 6mph in #Sefton
Today will see mostly cloudy skies to start. Sunny spells will develop through the day and there is the chance of a shower or two, more likely in the afternoon and possibly heavy. Maximum temperature 21°C.
This evening will see sunny spells and chance of a shower. Overnight it will become overcast but it will be mainly dry, although the odd shower or spell of rain is possible. Minimum temperature 12°C.
High Tide:
High Tide today is at 11:34am (8.10m)
The sun sets tonight at 9:39pm
Today’s photo is of #Formby beach at Lifeboat Road. This shows the end of the Boardwalk and the Lifeguard station.
Have a lovely day everyone.