Emergency services attended a huge fire that started in a shed and spread to a house in Sefton

Emergency services attended a huge blaze which broke out in a shed earlier this evening, spreading to a nearby house.
Merseyside Fire & Rescue said: "We can confirm, we were called to a house in Runnels Lane in Thornton at around 6.32pm before arriving at the property at 6.39pm. Two fire engines attended the scene, with crews finding a shed well alight at the back of the property."
"The fire had affected the house itself. Firefighters wearing breathing equipment used two hose reel jets to tackle the fire."
"The fire had been extinguished by 7.11pm. Crews then removed roof tiles to check for fire spread in the ground floor roof space. No injuries have been reported. One fire engine remains in attendance."
Kathleen Pythian, who lives in the area, told the Bubble: "The fire started just before 6pm, I was taking my collies for an evening walk and I could smell smoke. I remember thinking it was odd as most fires take place during the lighter nights/summer months."

"I walked around onto Buckley Hill and as I was looking around, I spotted smoke and thought it looked bigger than a garden fire. As I continued walking I could see flames coming up above the houses and knew it was serious, I live on Runnells Lane myself and when we returned from our walk I could see the fire brigade and walked up to see."
"There were no ambulances so I’m assuming and hoping there were no fatalities but several firefighters did go in with breathing gear on. Just hoping all is well, I’ve never seen flames rise so high."
