Dispersal Zone in place to help officers in tackling antisocial behaviour during Aintree Festival

Merseyside Police have put a Dispersal Zone in place to help officers in tackling antisocial behaviour during this years Aintree Festival.
A Dispersal Order will be in place from:
12pm (midday) Today, Friday 14th April 2023
Until: 4am Sunday 16th April 2023
The Dispersal Zone covers the area within the boundaries of: the M57, Dunnings Bridge Road (A5036), Netherton Way, Orrell Lane, Longmoor Lane (A506), Aintree Lane incorporating Aintree Village, back up to Switch Island as bounded by the map attached to this post.
What is a Dispersal Zone?
Under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2014, the Police can specify that an area is a dispersal zone.
In these areas, police officers or PCS&TOs have the power (under certain circumstances) to:
• Require anyone to leave the area and prevent them from returning for up to 48 hours.
• Require a person to surrender items that can be used to cause anti-social behaviour.
• Send under 16s home or to a place of safety.
• Arrest anyone who ignores the instruction.
Why has it been put in place?
The Dispersal Zone is just one tool used to help combat anti-social behaviour in the area. This has been implemented following ASB around last years Aintree Festival and feedback from local residents.