Bill Esterson MP praises work of Maghull researcher recognised in Parliament

Bill Esterson MP has praised the work of a research associate from #Maghull who was recognised in Parliament at the finals of a competition celebrating science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
Dr Josephine Moran, a biological sciences researcher at the University of Manchester, was shortlisted as a finalist of the STEM for BRITAIN competition 2022 for her researchabout how the deadly bacteria Listeria avoids immune systems, beating hundreds of other applicants. Jo attended Parliament to present her infection biology research to a range of politicians and a panel of expert judges.
STEM for BRITAIN is a scientific poster competition organised by the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee which aims to give members of the Houses of Parliament insight into current STEM research by early career researchers across the UK. The finals took place at the House of Commons on Monday 7th March 2022.
Mr Esterson, MP for Sefton Central and Shadow Minister for Business and Industry, said although she did not win the competition, it was great to meet Jo and see her work recognised.
Mr Esterson said: “It was great to meet Jo and hear about some of the exciting research she has been undertaking. Jo and her colleagues in their early research careers are the future of STEM in this country. Having this work recognised is well deserved.”
Ms Moran said: “It was fantastic to be able to talk to politicians about my work and show them why research is so important. There was so much amazing research being presented, it was really an honour to take part.” The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee runs the event in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics, the Royal Society of Biology, The Physiological Society and the Council for the Mathematical Sciences, with financial support from Dyson, Clay Mathematics Institute, United Kingdom Research and Innovation, Society of Chemical Industry, the Nutrition Society, Institute of Biomedical Science, the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, the Biochemical Society and IEEE UK & Ireland Section.

For more information on STEM for Britain see
Josephine can be contacted on 07944785420 PICS: Josephine Moran with Bill Esterson at the presentation in Parliament; Josephine’s poster